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Showing posts from July, 2024

Al-Baqarah (The Cow) Verses 28 to 29

  Verse 28: This verse powerfully illustrates the stages of our existence governed by Allah. We began as lifeless, were given life by His will, and were placed in this world for a finite time as a test. Death will come, followed by resurrection, and we will return to Him for judgment. The inevitability of death manifests Allah's supreme authority, reminding us that no matter how much we try, we can never escape the end of worldly life. Therefore, Allah urges disbelievers to reflect on their helplessness before His omnipotence and abandon their ignorance of these profound truths. Verse 29: Allah Almighty draws our attention to the observable existence of the earth and the sky. However, He also hints toward the existence of seven heavens so that we do not confine His creation to the single visible sky due to our limited human understanding. Instead, we should recognize that His creation extends far beyond our imagination. Scholars hold differing views regarding the significance of ...

Al-Baqarah (The Cow) Verses 26 to 27

Verse 26: This verse explicates that even a tiny creation of Allah Almighty embodies perfect balance and reflects the Creator's wisdom. A creation as small as a mosquito, or even smaller, is sufficient to reveal the truth to those who sincerely seek it. To grasp the depth of this example, one should study the design and function of a mosquito in detail. You will be truly amazed by the intricately detailed design of a mosquito, which is usually just 0.15 to 0.4 inches long. Furthermore, the design of entities smaller than a mosquito, discovered so far, also points to a wise Creator. Through scientific advancements, we have uncovered the world of micro-particles, invisible to the naked eye. The coherence and perfection of the micro-world continue to mesmerize the human mind. However, many people disregard these facts, believing these things exist without a Creator. These individuals do not submit to the Lord of all worlds, so they are misled by such examples and mock them. Consequent...

Al-Baqarah (The Cow) Verse 25

  Verse 25:  This verse delivers a joyful message to believers and doers of good deeds. It promises eternal bliss in Paradise to those who believe in the Quran as a revelation from Allah Almighty and act upon it to enhance their lives for success in this world and the Hereafter. The verse vividly describes the pleasures of the Gardens of Paradise, where rivers flow beneath. One notable aspect is the similarity of the fruits of Paradise to those given to them in the world, to make them familiar with the delights of the hereafter. They will also be blessed with pure spouses for their pleasure. In the concluding part of this verse, Allah Almighty assures that the pleasures of Paradise will never end, and they will always remain in a state of satisfaction and complete joy. It serves as a powerful reminder to believers during hard times that ultimately, they will receive the never-ending reward of Allah’s pleasure and Paradise for their patience and steadfastness in difficult times...

Al-Baqarah (The Cow) Verses 23 to 24

  Verse 23: This verse stands as a divine challenge to humanity, affirming the matchless eloquence and beauty of the Quran, which sets it apart from all other Arabic literature. The Quran is neither prose nor poetry; it introduces a unique style previously unseen in Arabic literature. Allah Almighty challenges not only the eloquent Arabs but all people who doubt the divine origin of the Quran to produce even a single chapter that meets its high standards. To understand the depth of this challenge, consider the smallest chapter in the Quran, Al-Kauthar ( ٱلْكَوْثَر ‎ ) (translated as “The Abundance”), which consists of just three verses, each a single line. Despite its brevity, Al-Kauthar encompasses the entirety of Arabic grammar, showcasing the Quran's profound linguistic depth. Allah encourages those in doubt to gather as many supporters as possible to attempt this task. The consequences of failing to do so or continuing in doubt are addressed in the following verse, highlighting...

Al-Baqarah (The Cow) Verses 21 to 22

  Verse 21: In this verse, Allah Almighty addresses humanity and asks to worship (enslavement i.e. obeying Allah in every aspect of life) their Lord who is the creator of all mankind. It also affirms that only Allah Almighty knows everything about humans because a creator knows every aspect of their creation. Obeying such a powerful Creator is the only way we can save ourselves from bad choices in this world and hope to have a successful afterlife. Verse 22: To elaborate on the previous verse, Allah Almighty brings our attention to immediately observable phenomena around us. Firstly, He discusses the stability of the earth and its suitability as a moderate place for life to exist, achievable only through the precise design of a powerful Creator.  The rain descends from the sky to bring the dead land to life causing crops, plants, and other vegetation to grow. These plants are our primary source of food, and their growth is not something we can achieve on our own; it is mad...

Al-Baqarah (The Cow) Verses 14 to 20

  Verse 14: Allah Almighty exposes the deception of hypocrites. They profess faith in front of believers to deceive them. However, privately, they affirm their allegiance towards their evil partners, mock the believers, and openly express their disbelief. It may also refer to the private meetings of disbelievers and hypocrites in which they plotted against believers to hinder the path of Islam. Verse 15: Allah Almighty says He mocks the hypocrites by giving them time to seek guidance (i.e., until death). However, due to their insincerity, He allows them to wander in misguidance and wrongfulness. Their situation is truly ironic, as they believe they are deceiving the believers, but they are only deceiving themselves. Verse 16: These are the ones who made a profit-less trade by purchasing misguidance in exchange for guidance. In other words, they preferred misguidance over guidance. It is clear from previous verses that they think of themselves as wise as they mock believers for ...